21 April 2023
My Journey through Web Development
Web development has been a long and rewarding journey for me. It all started with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript almost 9 years ago now. Since then, I’ve kept up with the latest technologies and frameworks, and I’ve built a few projects along the way. I’ve also learned a lot about web design and user experience, which has helped me create better websites for my clients. Anyway, here’s a brief overview of my most comfortable technologies and frameworks.
My most comfortable framework is React, and I’m used to using it in both an SPA and SSR context. I’ve built a few projects using React, most notably my capstone project, which was a full-stack, hybrid mobile web application built with the Ionic Capacitor stack, served by an AWS Amplify backend.
Another react project I’ve been working on recently is an elliptic curve cryptography visual calculator, which is available here.
Vue was another JavaScript framework that I worked with during my time at SDL. It was the main framework used alongside PHP, as a way to easily create interactive components. Some of my work utilising vue includes the PocoPosy website, as well as a few internal admin tools.
TypeScript was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to catch errors during development, which saved me a lot of time and frustration. I started using TypeScript in my React and Vue projects and found it to be a valuable addition to my development workflow.
PHP was my first server-side language, and I used it extensively during my early web development days. I found it to be an easy language to learn and use, and its support for MySQL made it a popular choice for building dynamic websites. I used this as my main language during my time at SDL, and I found it to be a great choice for building small to medium-sized websites.
Python (Flask)
Python was another language that I learned during my web development course, and I fell in love with its simplicity and readability. I used Flask, a micro web framework for Python, to build a few projects, and I found it to be an excellent choice for building RESTful APIs and small web applications.
Svelte was a relatively new framework that caught my attention because of its small size and fast performance. This current website was built using sveltekit, and It’s a contender for a new favourite framework.